Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sub Woes

Oh. My. Goodness.

Can I just say it's a relief my two-day stint in THAT second grade room is over.  Within five minutes of sitting down after the first bell this morning, one of the little guys flipped off the Pledge of Allegiance then hightailed it under his desk screaming "Leave me alone.  I need my sleep now."  I like to deal with behaviors without office intervention but after all day yesterday with this defiant and disrespectful little guy, I dropped the students off to their morning special and asked for an intervention.  Turns out the little guy is supposed to be on meds and was most likely not taking them today. 

So...I know sub plans are a pain - I have written plenty myself and taken countless hours to do it, but teachers should give a heads up in their plans if they have any unstable students.  Don't you agree?

For all my two people out there reading this, I want to know if you have any pet peeves for subs.  Is there something you always think a sub should know that is a must have for plans?  Or is there something subs repeatedly do (and I've been on the receiving end of my plans being absolutely ignored after HOURS of slaving over them) that drives you bonkers?  Please share.  It'll be proof that I don't always talk to myself.  Which I do.  A lot.  But mostly at home.  Mostly.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day Activity

Looking for something to do for Mother's Day with your students?  Head over to my TPT store and check out my just uploaded Mother's Day card made from a paper lunch bag.  Yup, that's right - instead of making a puppet, now you can use a paper bag to make a cute gift card.

Since TPT is having some technical difficulties showing photos of my sample pages, here are some pictures of the card and activities included with the packet.

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